Dealing with relational learning generally relies on tools modeling relational data. An undirected graph can represent these data with vertices depicting entities and edges describing the relationships between the entities. These relationships can…
The Sliced-Wasserstein distance (SW) is being increasingly used in machine learning applications as an alternative to the Wasserstein distance and offers significant computational and statistical benefits. Since it is defined as an expectation over…
Kimia Nadjahi, Alain Durmus, Pierre E. Jacob, Roland Badeau, Umut Şimşekli
35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021) -
Postural control is often quantified by recording the trajectory of the center of pressure (COP)-also called stabilogram-during human quiet standing. This quantification has many important applications, such as the early detection of balance…
Flavien Quijoux, Alice Nicolaï, Damien Ricard, Ikram Chairi, Ioannis Bargiotas, Alain Yelnik, Laurent Oudre, François Bertin-Hugault, Pierre-Paul Vidal, Julien Audiffren, Nicolas Vayatis, Stéphane Buffat
Childhood maltreatment (CM) has many lasting consequences for the development of children and adolescents. The aim of this work was to study different hypotheses that may underlie these consequences ranging from resilience to psychopathology during…
Objectives Data are scarce regarding the potential clinical differences between non-late onset schizophrenia (NLOS, i.e., disorder occurring before 40 years of age), late-onset schizophrenia (LOS, occurring between ages 40 and 60 years) and very…
C. Passerieux, J. Pellerin, J. Perlbarg, S. Perron, A. Petit, F. Petitjean, C. Portefaix, D. Pringuey, A. Radtchenko, H. Rahiou, D. Raucher-Chene, A. Rauzy, L. Reinheimer, M. Renard, M. Rene, C. E. Rengade, P. Reynaud, D. Robin, C. Rodrigues, A. Rollet, F. Rondepierre, B. Rousselot, S. Rubingher, G. Saba, J. P. Salvarelli, J. C. Samuelian, C. Scemama-Ammar, F. Schurhoff, J. P. Schuster, D. Sechter, B. Segalas, T. Seguret, A. S. Seigneurie, A. Semmak, F. Slama, S. Taisne, M. Taleb, J. L. Terra, D. Thefenne, E. Tran, R. Tourtauchaux, M. N. Vacheron, V. Vanhoucke, E. Venet, H. Verdoux, A. Viala, G. Vidon, M. Vitre, J. L. Vurpas, C. Wagermez, M. Walter, X. Zendjidjian, Sandra Abou Kassm, Frederic Limosin, Wadih Naja, Pierre Vandel, Marina Sanchez-Rico, Jesus M. Alvarado, Armin Von Gunten, Nicolas Hoertel, J. Ades, C. Alezrah, I Amado, G. Amar, O. Andrei, D. Arbault, G. Archambault, G. Aurifeuille, S. Barriere, C. Bera-Potelle, Y. Blumenstock, H. Bardou, M. Bareil-Guerin, P. Barrau, C. Barrouillet, E. Baup, N. Bazin, B. Beaufils, J. Ben Ayed, M. Benoit, K. Benyacoub, T. Bichet, F. Blanadet, O. Blanc, J. Blanc-Comiti, D. Boussiron, A. M. Bouysse, A. Brochard, O. Brochart, B. Bucheron, M. Cabot, V Camus, J. M. Chabannes, V Charlot, T. Charpeaud, C. Clad-Mor, C. Combes, M. Comisu, B. Cordier, F. Costi, J. P. Courcelles, M. Creixell, H. Cuche, C. Cuervo-Lombard, A. Dammak, D. da Rin, J. B. Denis, H. Denizot, A. Deperthuis, E. Diers, S. Dirami, D. Donneau, P. Dreano, C. Dubertret, E. Duprat, D. Duthoit, C. Fernandez, P. Fonfrede, N. Freitas, P. Gasnier, J. Gauillard, F. Getten, Fabien Gierski, F. Godart, R. Gourevitch, Grassin A. Delyle, J. Gremion, H. Gres, V Griner, C. Guerin-Langlois, C. Guggiari, O. Guillin, H. Hadaoui, E. Haffen, S. Haouzir, C. Hanon, C. Hazif-Thomas, A. Heron, B. Hubsch, I Jalenques, D. Januel, A. Kaladjian, J. F. Karnycheff, O. Kebir, M. O. Krebs, C. Lajugie, M. Leboyer, P. Legrand, M. Lejoyeux, V Lemaire, E. Leroy, D. Levy-Chavagnat, A. Leydier, C. Liling, P. M. Llorca, P. Loeffel, P. Louville, Lucas S. Navarro, N. Mages, M. Mahi, O. Maillet, A. Manetti, C. Martelli, P. Martin, M. Masson, I Maurs-Ferrer, J. Mauvieux, S. Mazmanian, E. Mechin, L. Mekaoui, M. Meniai, A. Metton, A. Mihoubi, M. Miron, G. Mora, Niro Ades, P. Nubukpo, C. Omnes, S. Papin, P. Paris
Unsupervised learning based on Contrastive Learning (CL) has attracted a lot of interest recently. This is due to excellent results on a variety of subsequent tasks (especially classification) on benchmark datasets (ImageNet, CIFAR-10, etc.) without…
Ahmed Ben Saad, Sebastien Drouyer, Bastien Hell, Sylvain Gavoille, Stéphane Gaiffas, Gabriele Facciolo
IGARSS 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium -
Once considered reliable evidence, photographic images can no longer be assumed to depict the naked truth. With the advent of digital photography and the progress of photo editing tools, altering a picture has never been easier. While most of these…
Computer aided design (CAD) models are widely employed in the current computer aided engineering or finite element analysis (FEA) systems that necessitate an optimal meshing as a function of their geometry. To this effect, the sub-mapping method is…
Antoine Van Biesbroeck, David Bassir, Feifei Shang
Ces travaux sont issus du projet de recherche RAAI (Radiotherapy Assisted by AI, MIAI@Grenoble Alpes) dont l’objectif était de proposer un algorithme d’apprentissage automatique pour la segmentation d’hyper-intensités de la substance blanche à…
Thomas Coudert, Sophie Ancelet, Nadya Pyatigorskaya, Lucia Nichelli, Damien Ricard, Dimitri Psimaras, Marie Odile Bernier, Michel Dojat, Florence Forbes, Alan Tucholka
Journées de biostatistique 2021 du GDR « Statistiques & Santé » -
A refined beam theory that takes the thickness-stretching into account is presented in this study for the bending vibratory behavior analysis of thick functionally graded (FG) beams. In this theory, the number of unknowns is reduced to four instead…