IPOL Journal

IPOL is an Open Science and Reproducible Research journal in signal and image processing.

Image Processing On Line (IPOL)

IPOL is a research journal on image processing and image analysis that emphasizes the role of mathematics as a source for algorithm design and the reproducibility of the research.  The publication is as accurate and comprehensive as possible. Each article contains a detailed description of the published algorithm, a bibliography, some examples, and an open source code, with an online demonstration facility and an archive of experiments. The text and source code are peer-reviewed and the online demo is controlled.

It has a feature, the IPOL CONTROL PANEL, that speeds up and automates the creation of online demonstrations from a simple textual description (DDL: Demo Description Lines), without any prior technical knowledge. With only a few lines of specifications (input data, parameters, name of the algorithm, type of results to be displayed in output) IPOL authors or editors are exempted from the long and tedious writing of a complex program.

IPOL Journal