Machine learning and massive data analysis
Scientific referents
Coordinator : Nicolas Vayatis
Scientific leaders :
- Laurent Oudre
- Mathilde Mougeot
Key figures
4 post-doc -- 17 phd students -- 3 internship students
Presentation of the thematic area
The expertise of the researchers at the Centre Borelli in machine learning algorithms and complex data modeling offers solid perspectives in academic and industrial projects where decisions must be made on the basis of data.
Starting from the double observation that the expert of the phenomenon cannot dispense with a statistical support to fully analyze a phenomenon and that the knowledge of the "physics" of the phenomenon is not replaceable, the statistical learning methods are limited without the contribution of an expert.
Thus, the researchers of the Centre Borelli are generally immersed in interdisciplinary teams, in companies or in laboratories, and develop algorithms in close collaboration with the end users.
Key words
Statistical and machine learning; Neural networks.
Topics covered
- Scoring, ranking, theory and algorithms
Inference and prediction for very large graphs
Sequential design of experiments and active learning
Machine learning methods for multivariate time series
Key facts
- Creation of the Chair IDAML
- Reconnaissance de formes
- E-marketing,
- Energy
- Finance and economy
- Health and biomedical field
- Sensor networks