Showing results 81 to 90 on 119 in total
Using mathematical modeling and large databases, the team is studying the multimodal characteristics of psychiatric disorders with a neurodevelopmental component.
This theme focuses on the development of sensor packages and behavioral databases for the detection of frailty in different uses.
This theme contributes to the development of tools to quantify the sensorimotor and cognitive behavior of the man-machine interface and its mental load.
The study of the state of alertness concerns the objective and reproducible quantification of the disorders of consciousness, whether they are induced (general anesthesia) or incidendat to an aggression (resuscitation patients).
The LRC MESO provides a framework for collaboration between physicists using numerical models, and mathematicians developing numerical methods for real and industrial problems.
The work of this pole concerns the modeling, the mathematical analysis and the simulation of complex physical phenomena.
This theme at the interface of mathematics, computer science, physics and biology focuses on modeling and simulation for problems arising from biology.
Researchers in this theme study new models and algorithms in the field of data integration, classification and (co)-clustering. They also develop theoretical and applied research in the field of cyber security and resource management in cyber-physical systems
This division deals with inference, predictive modeling and sequential optimization from complex data such as time series, functional data, network data
The multidisciplinary open archive HAL is intended for the deposit and the diffusion of scientific articles. The publications of the Centre Borelli are gathered in a collection.