SmartCheck system

The SmartCheck system is a posture and locomotion quantification device designed and developed by the Centre Borelli and deployed in several hospital departments.


The SmartCheck system is a posture and locomotion quantification device that consists of lightweight wireless sensors (force platform and inertial units) and a tablet equipped with numerous signal processing and artificial intelligence algorithms.

SmartCheck offers a solution for the evaluation of frailty, but also for the longitudinal follow-up of numerous pathologies. This system is currently used in a dozen hospital departments, including the hospital partners of the Centre Borelli C (HIA Percy, Fernand Widal Hospital,...)

Scientific referent

Laurent Oudre

Presentation Video of SmartCheck - Erganeo

Smartcheck - Erganeo

Un dialogue entre les mathématiciens, les informaticiens et les neurologues à conduit à développer SmartCheck. Ce système vise à quantifier la mobilité de l'homme (mouvement, posture,...). Erganeo l'a valorisé.


SmartCheck in the media

Recherche médicale. La solution antichutes de Pierre-Paul Vidal. Un article dans Notre Temps.

SmartCheck in the Data Analytics Post