Detection of digital image forgery

A team of researchers at the Centre Borelli has developed an innovative algorithm for detecting image forgery based on the impact of JPEG compression. Published on the IPOL platform, it has been widely disseminated to journalists and the general public.

Illustration of the Centre Borelli's emblematic apporach

A concrete problem of general interest is solved; the solution gives rise to an algorithmic development, published in the IPOL journal and thus easily disseminated.

Reference article

JPEG Grid Detection based on the Number of DCT Zeros and its Application to Automatic and Localized Forgery Detection, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, pp. 110-118.

In this article, the authors T. Nikoukhah, J. Anger, T. Ehret, M. Colom, J.-M. Morel, R.  Grompone von Gioi present an innovative method, called ZERO, for the detection of image forgery based on the impact of JPEG compression. The ZERO algorithm uses the number of zeros in the spectral coefficients to identify the local origin of the JPEG grid, thus making it possible to detect image manipulation by the presence of misaligned or absent grids.Projet soutenu par des utilisateurs d'images

Project supported by image users

This work was supported by several research projects, notably in collaboration with the National Scientific Police Service (SNPS) and the Medialab of the Agence France-Presse (AFP).

ZERO's integration into AFP's InVID-WeVerify verification tool, used by more than 90,000 weekly users in 224 countries, demonstrates its reliability and effectiveness. The algorithm detected real cases of forgery, illustrated in the press.

Wide distribution to fight disinformation

The principles of the ZERO algorithm are taught in courses intended for journalists, notably as part of the university diploma in Media and Information Education between ENS Paris Saclay and ESJ Lille. The method has also been presented at numerous scientific conferences for a variety of audiences and has received extensive media coverage, including popular science articles and interviews in the press, on radio and on television. These initiatives demonstrate the impact of the Centre Borelli's work in the fight against misinformation and visual manipulation.

PhD Thesis on image forgery


Press kit


Video presenting the agorithm

Exposé Tina NIKOUKHAH lauréate du prgm Jeunes Talents L'Oréal -UNESCO

Exposé durant les Assises des mathématiques Tina la traqueuse d'images truquées