The laboratory Centre Borelli depends on 5 supervising institutions (ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Service de santé des armées, Université Paris Cité et Inserm) but it is involved in several other institution.
The ENS Paris-Saclay is one of the component institutions of the Université Paris-Saclay created on January 1, 2020. The Centre Borelli is therefore one of the 275 laboratories of this campus.
The school of Fundamental and Biomedical Sciences is one of the 9 components of the faculty of sciences of the Unversité Paris Cité. This school includes bachelor's and master's degrees in biomedical sciences, laboratories such as the Centre Borelli and technical platforms such as the sensorimotricity platform.
The purpose of this ANR-labeled institute is to federate and structure multidisciplinary expertise within the perimeter of the Université Paris-Saclay, in data sciences, Artificial Intelligence and in the study of their societal challenges. Its missions are the promotion of excellence training, the reinforcement of relations between the academic and industrial world, and the gathering of competences in these fields. The Centre Borelli is naturally part of it.
The Centre Borelli maintains close ties with this foundation, of which the ENS de Cachan, now ENS Paris-Saclay, was a founding member in 2010. Its objective is to lead a project of scientific excellence in the field of mathematics and its interactions, and it brings together 12 mathematics laboratories. Its perimeter concerns the campuses of the Université Paris-Saclay but also the Polytechnic Institute of Paris.
It is a structure of the Université Paris-Saclay bringing together research in fundamental and applied mathematics, innovation and training in mathematics at the master's and doctoral levels. It is composed of the Master's degrees in Mathematics and Applications, the Hadamard mathematics graduate school EDMH, research units in mathematics including the Centre Borelli and a joint service unit, the Jacques Hadamard Library.
The label Carnot is awarded by the ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation to public research institutions in France that are committed for developing public-private research partnerships in the field of cognition. This is a national consortium designed to encourage the conduct of research work with socio-economic players, in particular companies. The latter thus benefit from a single point of contact to access a portal of competences enabling them to better take into account human capacities in the development of innovative technologies and services.