The LRC MESO provides a framework for collaboration between physicists using numerical models, and mathematicians developing numerical methods for real and industrial problems.

Scientific referents

Coordinators: Frédéric Dias, Renaud Motte

Associated researchers :

  • Centre Borelli : F. Dias, C. Labourdette, M. Mougeot, N. Vayatis
  • CEA : D. Bouche, B.J. Gréa, C. Millet, R. Motte, J.C. Weill

The genesis

Founded in june 2005,  under the impulse of Jean-Michel Ghidaglia and Daniel Bouche, the Laboratoire de Recherche Conventionné de Modélisation Mésoscopique (LRC MESO) is the result of a partnership between the Centre de Mathématiques et de leurs applications (CMLA), now the Centre Borelli, and four departments of CEA DAM Île de France (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives).

The LRC MESO provides a framework for collaboration between physicists developing and using numerical models, and mathematicians developing and analyzing numerical methods for real problems, up to code design.

The LRC has permanent members, mathematicians from the Centre Borelli  (numerical analysis of scientific computation, design and realization of simulation codes) and physicists from the CEA (solid state physics, plasma physics, flow physics, electromagnetism).

The LRC relies on the very important computing resources of CEA DAM Ile de France, a major player in High Performance Computing..

Research topics

  1. Mesoscopic and microscopic modeling of materials (inert or energetic)
  2. Application of kinetic equations
  3. Compressible and incompressible fluid mechanics
  4. Electromagnetism: particle beams and diffraction
  5. Mathematical analysis
  6. Methods and algorithms for statistical analysis and learning
  7. High performance computing
  8. Evaluation of uncertainties
  9. Image processing

Interactions with the other themes of the Centre Borelli