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The Arc de Triomphe Construction Test (ATCT): A 1-hour test of executive functions in individuals with traumatic brain injury and radiation-induced leukoencephalopathy
Published on -
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Mateo Campos, Flavie Bompaire, Albane Moreau, Marie Baruteau, Marie de Laage, Christophe Labourdette, Melanie Dandrieux, Laura Terrier, Ioannis Bargiotas, Magali Sallansonnet, Irina Taifas, Marie-Laure Brechemier, Eve Drouard, Camille Tafani, Mona Michaud, Emna Jelili, Pierre-Paul Vidal, Julien Nelson, Nicolas Vayatis, Stéphane Buffat, Damien Ricard