Human health and pathology

Evaluation par InertialoLocographie de l'impact de la chirurgie du Pied Varus Équin Spastique sur la démarche des patients hémiplégiques après Accident Vasculaire Cérébral

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Authors: Nicolas de L Escalopier

Spastic varus equinus foot is a common and disabling complication following head injury or stroke. Neuro-orthopaedic surgical management of this complication is often necessary when medical measures fail. It is based on a combination of tendon and nerve interventions decided on the basis of a multidisciplinary clinical examination of the patient. The subjective scales used show globally satisfactory results, however, it remains difficult to obtain an objective and quantified systematic evaluation of the global gait postoperatively. The Quantified Gait Analysis has shown a notable interest; however it is rarely used because it is difficult to access and interpret. Our laboratory has been working for several years on the use of joint accelerometric and gyroscopic measurements by inertial measurement units in gait analysis. This approach is based on the use of small autonomous sensors usable in consultation or in ambulatory, then on the mathematical processing of the signal obtained by Artificial Intelligence. It has shown a good efficiency in the analysis of the walking of patients suffering from neurological diseases. Our main objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of inertial measurement systems as a tool to assess the impact of Equino Varus Foot surgery on the walking of patients with post-stroke hemiplegia