Sensorimotor models and their applications
Presentation of the thematic area
Heir to the study of sensorimotricity at the cellular, animal and human levels of the Centre d'Étude de la Motricité (CESEM), then to the merger of the UMR Cognac-G with the CMLA, the research team is composed of neurophysiologists, physicians, engineers and mathematicians whose objective is the development of sensor packages and behavioral databases for the detection of frailty in different uses.
The first part of the research focuses on the development of new therapeutic approaches for patients suffering from brain cancer, head or spinal cord injuries, strokes, inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system and neurological intoxications. To do this, the researchers are collaborating with several hospitals and care organizations (HIA Percy, HIA Bégin, Pitié-Salpêtrière, Necker, Fernand-Widal, ORPEA group establishments, etc.) and other sports or military organizations in order to study the sensorimotor behavior of people involved in complex tasks, and then to build and use specific databases to model this behavior and detect possible break points preceding frailty.
In parallel, the other part of the team studies the mechanisms involved in the post-lesion plasticity of the central nervous system in humans, in particular the plastic process that occurs after vestibular lesions called vestibular compensation. These lesions are the most common pathology encountered by ENT physicians. They induce vertigo and various deficits of postural control and gaze.
Key words
Brain plasticity; Rehabilitation; Stroke; Cerebro-lesion; Spinal cord injury; Neuro-oncology; Head injury; Balance; Motor skills; Behavioral bases; Vestibulo-cochlear; Physiological signal; Wearable sensors; Databases; Learning; Data mining; Segregation; Behavioral scanning.
Key facts
- Dépôt de 6 brevets exploités
- Organisation annuelle de la journée scientifique OncoNeuroTox
- Organisation et présidence du congrès mondial de MPR 2018, premier congrès international en France
- Publication d’un ouvrage de pédagogie scientifique « Troubles de l’équilibre, aspects sensoriels ; de la physiologie à la rééducation » avec la participation de nombreux membres du centre Borelli (sortie le 8 septembre 2021 chez Elsevier-Masson)
- Filing of 6 patents
- Annual organization of the OncoNeuroTox scientific day
- Organization and presidency of the World Congress of PRM 2018, the first international congress in France
- Publication of a scientific pedagogy book "Balance disorders : sensory aspects; from physiology to rehabilitation" : A. Yelnik, P. Herman, Troubles de l’équilibre : aspects sensoriels ; de la physiologie à la rééducation, Elsevier-Masson, 2021.
This research is conducted in partnership with several industrial companies (Thales, Orpéa, etc.) and supported by patient associations. They lead to applications implemented in several medical devices.