Title: Towards reliable machine learning under domain shift and costly labeling, with applications to engineering design.
Supervision: M. Mougeot, N. Vayatis, F. Deheeger
Defended on Oct. 9th 2024,…
Title: Development and assessment of physics-informed deep learning methods: towards multiphysics simulation in industrial contexts
Supervision: M. Mougeot, C. Millet, T. Dairay
Defended on September…
Title: A generic method for detecting anomalies on manufactured parts
Supervision: J.-M. Morel, T. Ehret
Defended on June, 04, 2024/2024, Amphi Hodgkins
Title : Utilisation de données d'imagerie cérébrale IRM dans des prédictions longitudinales pertinentes pour les troubles anxieux
Supservision : Jean-Luc Martinot et Ulrike Lueken
Defended on 04/08…
Title: Monitoring of the helicopter pilot's sensorimotor system and application to the prediction of mental workload
Supervision: P.-P Vidal , I. Bargiotas
Defended on 02/29/2024 Room R229
Title: Beyond the Sea Surface: Exploring Ocean Wave Measurements From Multiple Perspectives
Supervision: F. Dias, V. Pakrashi
Defended on 02/06/2024 room 1B36