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Place ENS Paris-Saclay

Pablo ARIAS : Habilitation à diriger des recherches

Title: Video restoration: from patch-based methods to self-supervised learning
Defended on 28/11/24 Room 1Z18

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Video restoration: from patch-based methods to self-supervised learning


I will present contributions on image and video restoration problems, such as denoising and super-resolution. In the first part I will describe Bayesian approaches based on probabilistic models for image patches applied to video denoising. In the second part I will propose approaches based on deep learning for multi-image restoration problems found in practical applications. In these cases, the standard supervised training is not feasible due to the lack of real data with known ground truth. I will present a framework for self-supervised learning for multi-image problems that allows training machine learning models directly over the real degraded data, without requiring ground truth reconstructions.


  • Alessandro Foi, Professor of Signal Processing, Signal Processing Research Centre, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, rapporteur
  • Nicolas Papadakis, CNRS Senior Research Scientist, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, rapporteur
  • Alain Trouvé, Alain, Professeur, Centre Borelli, ENS Paris-Saclay, rapporteur
  • Julie Delon, Professeure CNU 26, UFR Mathématiques-Informatique, Université Paris Cité, examinatrice
  • Charles Kervrann, Directeur de recherche (INRIA, Université de Rennes), examinateur
  • Jean-Michel Morel, Chair Professor in imaging, City University of Hong Kong, examinateur