François Alouges and Maxime Theillard present their work at the Borelli@Saints-Pères seminar
François Alouges (Centre Borelli)
Title: Guiding visually impaired people with 3D sound
Abstract: 3D sound, also called binaural or spatial sound, is a technique that allows one to reproduce a sound space using a simple stereophonic headset. In the talk, we will present the basic properties of acoustics and sound wave propagation for the creation of virtual sound environments. We will then focus on the use of spatial sound for the guidance of visually impaired people in order to practice sports. Of special importance are the real-time and accurate measurements of the location of the user together with his/her head’s orientation. Several results will be shown that show the relevance of the approach for real applications. This is a joint work with Sylvain Ferrand.
Maxime Theillard (Dpt of Applied Mathematics, U. of California, Merced)
Title: Continuum Computational Modeling of Biophysical Systems
Abstract : This seminar will explore how continuum modeling and high-performance computing can be combined to study biophysical systems from the nano to the millimeter scale. Starting at the atomic scale, we will see how Poisson-Boltzmann calculations can help us understand the
fundamental biophysical mechanisms of deforming proteins, focusing speci cally on the opening of the covid-19 spike protein and its role in the infection pathway. Zooming out, we will then focus on cellular material transfer during cell division, a crucial process that could shed light on the propagation of prion diseases, such as mad cow and Creutzfeldt-Jakob. This seminar is intended for a broad computational audience and does not require any prior biophysical background.