In many fields of applied mathematics and computer science (computer vision, machine learning, image/signal processing for instance), new methods and applications are appearing at a vertiginous pace, to the point it is hard to keep up with all new methods. Yet, being able to understand and try these methods oneself is crucial for research.
To bridge this gap and promote reproducible research, during the IPOL MLBriefs workshop we will help you use the IPOL journal and demo system to create and publish an online demo of a method with a companion technical article describing the method, experimentally highlighting its use cases and limitations, and providing new insights onto the original method.
This workshop will be also be a great opportunity to meet fellow researchers and attend plenary talks from invited speakers.
The Centre Borelli is looking forward to meeting you at the workshop.
Registration is free but mandatory.
Please register by March 16th on the MLBriefs website.